The reason to provide a way to query NGSI_LD entities via POST, is that using GET has the following issue:

  1. We end up assembling very long URLs,due to URI parameters for ‘id’, ‘attrs’, etc, being included in the URL.
  2. By using POST, there is no need of long URLs.

So, the difference lies in that instead of passing the inputs as URI parameters, in a POST Query, we pass all the query items in the payload body.


We created a new /entityOperations/query endpoint in the API As we can see this new POST query operation has just one single query as input.

  • It is not allowed to send multiple queries in a single request as it is not considered as a “BATCH Operation”

7.2. Data Type of the Request Payload Body

Data Types
Name Data Type Restrictions Cardinality
type string It shall be equal to “Query” 1
entities EntityInfo[] Empty array (0 length) is not allowed. 0.1
attrs string[] Attribute Name as short‑hand string. Empty array (0 length) is not allowed. 0.1
q string A valid query string 0.1
geoQ GeoQuery A valid GeoJSON geometry 0.1
csf string A valid query string 0.1
temporalQ TemporalQuery A valid temporal operation 0.1

7.3. POST Query Example

Here is an example of Request URL and Payload data that shows how we can pass the query in the Payload.

POST http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/query :

    "type": "Query",
    "entities": [
            "id": "smartcity:houses:house2",
            "type": "House"

In this Post Query we haven’t defined any attributes so, all Attributes will be retrieved and our result looks like this.

[ {
  "id" : "smartcity:houses:house2",
  "type" : "House",
  "entrance" : {
    "type" : "GeoProperty",
    "value" : {
      "type" : "Point",
      "coordinates" : [ -8.50000005, 41.2 ]
  "hasRoom" : [ {
    "type" : "Relationship",
    "datasetId" : "urn:room:0816",
    "object" : "house2:smartrooms:room1"
  }, {
    "type" : "Relationship",
    "datasetId" : "urn:room:0815",
    "object" : "house2:smartrooms:room2"
  } ],
  "location" : {
    "type" : "GeoProperty",
    "value" : {
      "type" : "Polygon",
      "coordinates" : [ [ [ -8.5, 41.2 ], [ -8.5000001, 41.2 ], [ -8.5000001, 41.2000001 ], [ -8.5, 41.2000001 ], [ -8.5, 41.2 ] ] ]
} ]